KCC Membership


Kowloon Cricket Club

Membership TYPES

Now comes the chance for you to enjoy your preferred sports and recreational facilities as well as socialize with fellow members in an oasis at the heart of Kowloon by joining the following membership.

• Ordinary Voting Member
• Corporate Nominee Membership
• Junior Subscriber
• Sporting Subscriber

If the Application is successful, the Applicant agrees to be bound by Articles of Association and Bye-laws of KCC.

For enquiries, please contact the Membership Office at membership@kcc.org.hk

Ordinary Voting Member (OVM)

Applicant must be aged 23 or above with the endorsement by 2 Special Voting Member(s) and/or Life Member(s). Complimentary spouse/dependant membership will be offered to Member’s spouse and children under 23 years old.

Upon the receipt of the completed Membership form, applications would be put on the waiting list. The applicant will be required to pay the prevailing entrance fee and prevailing monthly subscriptions when an OVM turns available.

2024 Joining Fee: HK$380,000
Monthly Subscription: HK$1,700

Corporate Nominee Membership (CNM)

The Club is currently offering for sale Corporate Nominee Membership at a price of HK$1.3 Million each.

A Corporate Nominee Membership entitles a Hong Kong Limited Company to nominate one individual person to become a Member of KCC.

A Corporate Nominee Membership may be transferred in the open market after a period of 5 years.

Monthly Subscription: HK$1,700

Sporting Subscriber (SS)

The SS scheme is open to sportsmen and women who meet a high standard as determined by the Section of the chosen sport (i.e. Cricket, Football, Hockey, Lawn Bowls, Squash or Tennis). A Junior Subscriber (JS) may be offered a SS position before he/she reaches 28 years of age. The SS scheme is three-year period of commitment to represent KCC in the chosen sport and shall be competent in the chosen sport, make himself/ herself available for selection, and play a minimum of 75% of games for KCC teams to which he/she has been allocated.

Application must have endorsement by the relevant Sports Representative.

2024 Joining Fee: HK$25,000
Monthly Subscription: HK$1,700

Junior Subscriber (JS)

The JS scheme commences at age 13 for those youngsters who are talented players in one of the six sports (i.e. Cricket, Football, Hockey, Lawn Bowls, Squash & Tennis) played at the Club. The JS programme carries through to 27 years of age. A JS aged of 23-27 must represent the Club on a regular basis and fulfill the requirements of the sports in which they participate.

Application must have endorsement by the relevant Sports Representative.

AGE: 13-22
2024 Joining Fee: HK$250
Monthly Subscription: HK$100


AGE: 23-27
2024 Joining Fee: HK$500
Monthly Subscription: HK$400